Privacy Policy at Whimsy Tales

How We Use Your Info

When you shop with us, we gather information about your device and interactions to enhance your experience and site functionality. Details such as web browser version, IP address, and browsing habits are collected through cookies and similar technologies.

Why We Need Your Personal Info

To process purchases, we require personal details like your name and email. Your information helps us secure transactions and ensure smooth delivery of downloads through Stripe, our payment gateway.

Who We Share Your Data With

We only share personal details when required by law or to safeguard our rights. Essential services like Stripe are used for secure payment processing.

Your Choices

You have the autonomy to opt-out of non-essential cookies or marketing messages by adjusting your preferences at any time.

Contact Us

Have queries about our privacy practices? Reach out to us through our contact page. We're here to assist you!

Staying Updated

Our privacy policy is regularly updated, so please revisit for the latest information. Your continued use of our site implies acceptance of these terms.

Thank you for choosing Whimsy Tales for your digital purchases. We prioritize protecting your privacy and ensuring a delightful shopping journey!